Join my Priority List for
Field Sketching; A Year of Mindfulness
mentoring programs and be among the first
to register for a spot in the next cohort!
As part of my list, you'll get priority access to secure a place in one of three different mentorships. Spots are limited and served on a first-come-first-serve basis.
The Courses:
A: Field Sketching; A Year of Mindfulness Year 1
Learn the basics of how to build or sustain a Field Sketching or Nature Journaling practice. Lessons include graphite, pen, and watercolor techniques. (more details further below)B. Field Sketching; A Year of Mindfulness Year 2
In my advanced mentorship, we'll expand on a few concepts from Year 1 and include a few new tools for the sketchbook. (more details further below)C. Nature Sketching MeetUp
This intermediate-level group meets once monthly and works from prompts that I provide. This is an open enrollment; you can join the group at any time of the year. (more details further below)
FYI: Being on the Priority List does not obligate you to anything. It only shows a deep interest in the course you select AND allows you access to early registration.
“The class is more than an art course… what I most appreciate… is that I am more observant of the nature around me, whether it is in my backyard, on my commute to work or out in nature.” ~Amy

About the Courses
All courses include the following:
- Work in small group settings with a supportive, encouraging environment to improve observation and drawing skills.- Develop a meaningful connection with the natural world around you through direct observation- Focus on your learning and processing style to explore what your journal means to you.- Reap the benefits of all of this PLUS a healthier mind and body!
How the ONLINE courses work:
- Four seasons with a 3- to 4-week break in between each;
- 2hr classes are held bi-weekly, leaving a comfortable amount of time to attend to homework assignments;
- Each class will focus on specific drawing or observation skills to help create more accurate sketches;
- Each season will focus on specific topics related to natural history to become more aware of the rhythm of nature;
- Homework assignments are provided as guidance outside of class;
- Homework review as a group that offers personal feedback, direction, and confidence;
- Classes are held 2-4pmAKT, 6-8pmET; and
- All classes are recorded so you can reference the material after a missed class or for learning at your own pace
Course Details
A: Field Sketching; A Year of Mindfulness Year 1
Field sketching is a wonderful tool for capturing the environment in which you live, travel and appreciate. Add some color to those sketches to make a beautiful illuminated journal!Your goal is to capture quick flashes of the things around you. Many of your sketches may end up very unfinished. Think of each page in your journal or sketchbook as a “study” of some object or place that you want to remember.Birds, mammals, trees and flowers, waterscapes, even buildings, will provide interesting and fun challenges for us as we use various tools for capturing the moment outdoors.Fall Season 4 classes:
Covers the basics of using graphite, pen & ink, and a few important watercolor skills; 3-4 drawing exercises to sharpen observation skills. Introduction to the Sit Spot and selection of a study tree that you'll observe throughout the year. Break from mid-Dec through early-Jan.Winter Season 6 classes:
Continued practice to understand the the three mediums, dipping into slightly more intermediate techniques. Break until early April.Spring Season 6 classes:
Switching to a handful of concentrated drawing lessons to learn how to see perspective, shapes, proportions and 3D form. Break until mid-July.Summer Season 6 classes:
Covers slightly more advanced topics such as composition, page layout in the sketchbook, drawing animals.Currently running on Thursdays, 2-4pmAKT

B. Field Sketching; A Year of Mindfulness Year 2
Continue developing a sustainable practice of Field Sketching that fits your interests, schedule, and skill. This is how you will grow; mindfully developing a singular style that pleases you. Explore new territory!Topics covered (subject to slight modification):
- Diversity of drawing pens (Brush-tip, fixed-nib, dip pen, & fountain pen)
- Sketching with ink (walnut ink, black ink, & water-soluble vs permanent inks)
- Colored pencils
- Pen sketching and colored pencils
- Using tinted paper
- Mark-making techniques
- Simple watercolor washes
- The Phenology Wheel
- Textured vs smooth paper surfaces
- The power of IMAGINATION (it's not only for kids)
- Building values to create an image
- All the colors of “white”*
- Understanding pigment interactions
- Shadows; Watercolor pencils
- Mixed media mash-up
- Watercolor pencilsCurrently running on Wednesdays, 2-4pmAKT

C. Nature Sketching MeetUp
(starts Nov 5, meets ONCE MONTHLY, space limited to 12)
Nature Sketching MeetUp is a group of like-minded folks who wish to continue their practice of Nature Journaling or Field Sketching in a less-formal environment. In this setting, everyone learns from each other.How? I provide a prompt each month that everyone works from!Share your results for feedback; offer the same to others. In the process, learn techniques, perspectives, and ideas.We also learn a ton about the natural world from what each other is observing. Everyone has something to offer.This has been so much fun learning this way!Why should you consider joining?This non-lesson based course offers:
- A prompt each month that eases the pressure about "what to do";
- Demos to support understanding of processes shared by others;
- Personal feedback for direction and guidance;
- Ongoing learning about the natural world
- Ongoing learning about techniques to document your own observations;
- Consistency and accountability to establish (or solidify) a regular practice of field sketching
- Improved mental, emotional, and physiological balance by connecting with the natural world
- Recorded classes to reference the material after a missed class and learning at your own pace
- Last but not least, fun and camaraderieCurrently running on Tuesdays, 2-4pmAKT

About the instructor

My field sketching practice informs everything I do as an Artist, Instructor, and Writer.Art and nature have been part of my life in varying ways since childhood. After a few years flipping between art and biology as an undergrad, I found my way to Natural Science Illustration and never looked back.Teaching others to connect with the natural world through direct observation and journaling brings me as much joy as my personal art practice does.With a focus on "process" rather than always completing finished works, I am teaching skills that apply to anything you want to sketch.You know the old adage..."Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"? That's what I aim to do.Join me for a year of coaching your own practice.
Still not convinced?
Maybe I can help you decide if this is right for you.
Drop a note to [email protected]
“This course is structured perfectly for me. A class every two weeks I can do. More often than that, I’m going to miss sessions. I also loved that classes were recorded and could be played back if I was unavailable once in a while.My drawing skills have improved massively, as has my comfort with using watercolors. The biggest change, however, is my attention to the detail of things I never used to notice. Like how many petals there are on a flower, when things around me start to bloom, and the shapes and shades of landscapes, etc. The observation practice of this course has noticeably made its way into how I experience my neighborhood, town, etc. I once said there isn’t much to look at most of the year. That sounds a bit silly to me now. Everything seems worth examining these days.I’m looking forward to a second year of learning with Sandy.” ~Melanie
All images on this page ©Sandy McDermott with exception of the instructor photo above, ©Morgan Lee Photography, and cannot be used without permission.